WELCOME to the official website of the TAG PTSA


TAG PTSA (Parent Teacher Student Association) provides services and programming to boost the community spirit and educational programs of the School for the Talented and Gifted at Townview Magnet. The TAG PTSA is an incredible resource for our families, students, teachers, staff, and alumni.



To fully access this site, you must login or create a free Membership Toolkit account. Click below to register or login.


If you already have a Membership Toolkit account with another organization/school, you can use the same log-in and password here.



Login and Register


Once you are logged in, you can:

  • SUBSCRIBE to TAG eNEWS - TAG eNews is a weekly newsletter containing pertinent information on important news and events for TAG families. Be sure to subscribe so that you don't miss any important info. Subscribing is free - You DO NOT need to be a member of the PTSA to subscribe to TAG e-News.



TAG PTSA Fundraising



Thank you for your continuted support of TAG PTSA!


All funds raised by TAG PTSA go directly to pay for programs and activities that support

our TAG students, faculty, and staff.


You can donate anytime. Click the button below for more information.






Orange = PTSA Events
Red = District / TAG
Blue = Seniors
Purple = College




Please use the Google Form to submit information to be published to the PTSA newsletter & social media account. E-News is published Tuesdays and social media accounts are updated regularly. Thanks!

Submit Here Button